Take some time to dream big and follow the steps - by the end you’ll have an amazing plan to help you achieve your goals over the next 90 days. We’ll guide you through:
Clarifying the big picture - where are you trying to get to in 10 years? In 3 years? In 12 months?
Clarifying your steps in the next 90 days to get you closer to that big picture.
Prioritizing those steps into 3 - 7 Quarterly Milestones
Using our Daily Planner, our Weekly Planner and our To-Do List (all included in here) so you can avoid the temptation to add lots of things to your list and working on more goals than what you’ve defined above.
Comes in red, dark blue, light blue and a printer friendly version.
Print off or make as many copies as you need them. Purchase once and use for the rest of your life!